What Are Veneers?

Are you afraid to smile owning to your poor dental health? If yes, you will be pleased to hear that cosmetic dentistry can help you get that confident smile you always wished. Porcelain veneers are a boon for those with discolored, misaligned, chipped or gapped teeth. Here is all that you need to know about veneers.
Porcelain veneers are porcelain wafers, which are generally half millimeter thick and are placed over the front teeth in order to improve the appearance and texture of original teeth. Veneers are hard and durable.
The Process
The first step in the process of placing veneers on the teeth is shaving off approximately half mm of the tooth. In order to fit the veneers on the teeth as perfectly as possible, the dentist will mould your teeth and then make the Veneers out of the mould.  The time taken for the whole process to be completed varies from four weeks to six weeks.

What do veneers do?
Veneers are capable of effectively covering up a number of imperfections of your teeth. If you have gaps between your teeth or they are of uneven length, veneers can perfectly cover up the defects. Veneers are very useful in concealing stained or discolored teeth and can be used as a substitute for braces.

A major factor, which affects the durability of veneers, is the way you take care of them. Brushing and flossing on regular basis is necessary. While brushing, make sure that the toothpaste you are using is non-abrasive and contains fluoride. This way, you will be able to prevent decay of the tooth. Exposing the veneers to excess force must be avoided. Clenching and grinding of the teeth as well as chewing or biting hard objects can be harmful for veneers.

Getting veneers is a long lasting solution and the outcome of the entire process is quite pleasing. You must consult your dentist before you go for this treatment. Veneers are much more popular than traditional orthodontic treatment as the process requires less time. The cost of the treatment may vary from one person to another. Veneers are an easy, quick and sure shot method to get better teeth and a great smile.

Dentist Emerald